Course Creator
Nirasha Ramlugan
19 year, I moved from South Africa, the country I was born in, to the UK. This change came with alot of emotional baggage. Missing family, wishing for the warm sunshine and being in a new country was slowly descending me on my spiral of life. I had to stop and remind myself that these feelings were only temporary.
I had this innate urge to empower myself and become stronger. My strength would not only allow me to rise above whatever I was feeling but also stimulate me to be a more productive, creative and brilliant teacher and mum.
My journey started there... and my company, Just Simply Change- Mindset Transformational Coaching took birth.
In my company, we are trained to listen and interact in a way that helps you to believe in yourself and
achieve positive change. Being in Education and Training, I used my passion to learn about human behaviour in both adults and children.
The way we think, affects our actions. Marisa Peer, RTT founder, explains that 'Behind every habit of action there is a habit if thought. If you want to change the habit, you have to first change the thought.' I believe that this is the stepping stone to a life of success.
I use a unique combination of advanced Hypnotherapy, RTT, Neuro-linguistic programming, Mindfulness, CBT and many more, to help you experience the happiness and freedom you deserve. So whether your wish is to eradicate an unwanted habit or behaviour, to gain relief from a specific emotional issue, to simply have more self-confidence to make those all-important changes in your life or grow your business/ company through improving staff well being, we can help!
My courses use similiar tools that I share with my clients. Last year I published my first book called Smiling Freedom on Amazon so that I could spread my knowledge and expertise.
Now I'm filled with gratitude to you for choosing me on your journey of self healing.
Keep Smiling